Miscarriage Management

Miscarriage, a heartbreaking experience for many, can leave individuals feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and emotionally raw. It is a complex issue that affects countless women worldwide, and the journey of recovery can be both challenging and deeply personal.

Understanding the emotional and physical toll of miscarriage is crucial in providing compassionate support and effective treatment.

Dr Aparna Gumma understands the depth of this loss and offers comprehensive treatment for managing miscarriage in Dubai with a focus on both your physical and emotional well-being. With her compassionate approach, she provides personalized care to guide you through this difficult time, ensuring you receive the support and medical attention you need to heal and move forward.

miscarriage in Dubai

What do we understand by Miscarriage?

A miscarriage, or spontaneous miscarriage, is the unfortunate loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. It’s important to remember that such events are typically not the result of any personal actions. Most miscarriages occur due to natural causes, such as the cessation of fetal development. Maternal age & medical conditions or parental chromosomal factors can contribute to miscarriages.

10-15% of pregnancies can result in spontaneous miscarriages.

What is Recurrent Miscarriage or Recurrent Pregnancy Loss?

Recurrent pregnancy loss refers to the failure of two or more pregnancies. The term “loss” encompasses pregnancies that were verified either through a pregnancy test or confirmed by ultrasound in a clinic. Following two miscarriages, it is advised to undergo a comprehensive physical examination and further testing.

Our gynaecologist is extensively experienced in managing complex pregnancies and offers precise recurrent miscarriage treatment in Dubai

What typically occurs first during a miscarriage?

It’s challenging to pinpoint what happens first during a miscarriage since symptoms can vary widely from person to person. In some cases, there may be no early signs, and the loss of pregnancy is only discovered during a prenatal ultrasound. While most individuals experience some level of cramping and bleeding, the order in which these symptoms appear can differ.

How painful is a miscarriage?

The pain experienced during a miscarriage varies greatly among individuals. Some people experience intense cramping, while others may feel discomfort similar to menstrual cramps. The type of miscarriage can also influence the level of pain. For instance, a complete miscarriage that occurs at home may cause more pain than a missed miscarriage, which might require a surgical procedure to remove the pregnancy.

Pregnancy Loss Treatment in Dubai by Dr Aparna Gumma

Dr Aparna Gumma’s primary focus is on safeguarding your pregnancy and preventing a miscarriage if there are signs of risk. If she determines that you may be at risk, she might advise reducing physical activity, including abstaining from sexual activity, until the symptoms subside. While bed rest is sometimes recommended, there’s no solid scientific proof that it can prevent a miscarriage, . In many cases, there is limited intervention that can effectively prevent a miscarriage.

Once a miscarriage begins, the treatment approach is tailored to your specific symptoms. The main objective during and after a miscarriage is to prevent excessive bleeding (referred to as hemorrhaging) and to reduce the risk of infection.

As one of the best gynaecologist in Dubai, Dr Aparna always has your back if you experience vaginal bleeding that soaks more than one super-absorbent pad per hour for two consecutive hours. Heavier bleeding and increased cramping are often signs that a miscarriage is in progress. Typically, your body will naturally expel all pregnancy-related tissue, especially in the earlier stages of pregnancy.

However, if not all tissue is expelled—a situation known as an incomplete miscarriage—further treatment may be necessary to stop the bleeding and prevent infection. The most common procedure, in this case, is a dilation and curettage (D&C), where Dr Aparna will gently widen the cervix and remove tissue from the uterine lining. In some cases, suction may be used alongside scraping. To ensure your comfort, this procedure is generally performed under general anaesthesia. . Our doctor will discuss these options with you to determine the best course of action for your situation.

Looking for a thorough expert in the treatment of Miscarriage in Dubai?

Get in touch with Dr Aparna Gumma.

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