Menopause Management by Menopause Specialist Dubai
Managing menopause Dubai effectively is essential for enhancing women’s health and well-being. It offers numerous benefits, such as reduced symptoms, improved bone health, and better overall quality of life.
Dr Aparna Gumma, one of the best Indian gynaecologist in Dubai, understands the significance of personalised menopause management. She offers customised guidance and support, empowering you to navigate this transition confidently

Understanding menopause
Menopause is a natural biological process that symbolises the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle and reproductive years.
It is diagnosed after a woman goes 12 consecutive months without menstruation. While menopause typically occurs between 45 and 55 age, the timing of this transition can vary among individuals, manifesting either earlier or later in life.
Stages of Menopause
Natural menopause isn’t caused by any medical or surgical treatment. It’s slow and has three stages:
- Perimenopause: Also called premature menopause Dubai, this marks the transitional period that starts before menopause and extends for 12 months after a woman’s last menstrual period
- Menopause: This starts either 12 months after the final menstrual period or when menstruation has stopped for a clinical reason, such as ovarian removal
- Postmenopause: Postmenopause pertains to the years following menopause, although it can be difficult to know the exact time when menopause is finished and postmenopause starts.
When Does Menopause Occur
Menopause typically occurs between the ages of 50 and mid-50s or later, with the average age being 51.
As menopause approaches, the body experiences a decline in estrogen and progesterone levels since they are no longer required to support reproduction, thus initiating the onset of menopause.
In addition to natural causes, menopause can also occur for other reasons. These consist of the following:
- Premature menopause: Premature menopause may occur before the age of 40 due to ovarian failure. Factors such as smoking, radiation exposure, chemotherapeutic drugs, genetic conditions or surgical procedures disrupting ovarian blood supply can trigger this condition.
- Surgical menopause: Surgical menopause results from the surgical removal of one or both ovaries or pelvic radiation, including the ovaries, in premenopausal women. This leads to an abrupt onset of menopause, often accompanied by more severe symptoms compared to natural menopause.
Symptoms of Menopause
Menopause varies from person to person. While some women experience no symptoms, others may face symptoms that significantly impact their daily lives.
Symptoms of menopause may include:
- Hot flashes and night sweats
- Uneven or missed periods
- Vaginal dryness and discomfort during sex
- Mood swings and irritability
- Headaches or migraines
- Insomnia and difficulty sleeping
- Fatigue and low energy
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Urinary incontinence
- Changes in libido
- Memory loss, brain fog
- Anxiety & palpitations
Menopause Treatment in Dubai
Menopause treatments focus on relieving symptoms and preventing chronic conditions that may occur with ageing. Dr Aparna understands that each patient is unique, and personalised care to address the signs and symptoms of menopause and premature menopause.
Here are some key aspects of her management approach:
Hormone replace therapy
Hormone replace therapy (HRT) involves taking a combination of estrogen and progesterone during perimenopause and menopause.
Dr Aparna, an HRT specialist in Dubai, usually prescribes HRT in different forms , like pill form, but estrogen can also be administered via skin patches or vaginal creams.
Lifestyle changes
Making diet and lifestyle changes may also help relieve menopause symptoms.
Dr Aparna – menopause specialist Dubai, will help you adopt a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques. Reducing caffeine and spicy foods can also reduce hot flashes.
Additionally, exercise, quitting smoking, and practising deep breathing exercises can alleviate various menopause symptoms.
Other treatments
Dr Aparna may prescribe medications to help relieve symptoms:
When HRT is contraindicated, there are alternative treatments to help with menopausal symptoms
- OTC gels for vaginal dryness.
- Prescription pills or creams for vaginal dryness.
- Low-dose hormonal birth control pills to relieve hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood changes.
- Low-dose antidepressants to reduce hot flashes.
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Book An Appointment
For Personalised Care, Consult Dr Aparna Gumma
A Menopause Specialist Dubai
While menopause is an inevitable part of life, it can be challenging for many women.
If you are seeking expert menopausal care, consult Dr Aparna Gumma, a menopause doctor Dubai. With an impressive 28 years of experience in gynaecology, Dr Aparna is renowned as one of the best Indian gynaecologists in Dubai, offering personalised and compassionate care to help women navigate menopause with confidence and comfort.
She is also a renowned celebrity gynaecologist, attending to and providing services for many celebrity clients, including Annabele and Dubai Bling stars Kris Fade Baby and Brianna Fade, who praise her performance.