Delayed Cord Clamping in Dubai
If you are expecting a child, you are likely to learn about various medical interventions during labour and delivery. One such practice is delayed cord clamping, where the umbilical cord is clamped and cut between one and three minutes after birth rather than immediately.
Delayed cord clamping is crucial for enhancing the health and well-being of newborns, offering numerous benefits such as improved blood circulation and increased iron levels.
Dr Aparna Gumma, a leading celebrity obgyn in Dubai, recognizes the importance of this practice. She provides comprehensive guidance and support for delayed cord clamping in Dubai, ensuring that both mother and baby receive the best possible start.

Understanding delayed cord clamping
The umbilical cord links the placenta to the baby, supplying blood, oxygen, and stem cells after birth. This blood carries essential oxygen and stem cells for tissue repair. This placental transfusion provides an additional 80–100 ml of blood to the newborn.
Delayed cord clamping is now recommended over immediate clamping to ensure these vital components reach the baby.
This should occur no earlier than 1 minute after birth, even with assisted placenta delivery.
Delayed cord clamping benefits
The benefits of delayed cord clamping in Dubai include:
- Prevention of anaemia: Babies, especially premature ones, don’t produce blood cells efficiently, making anaemia a concern. By keeping your baby attached to the placenta after birth for just one additional minute, more blood from the placenta can flow into your baby’s body.
- Increased iron levels: Delayed cord clamping significantly boosts iron levels in newborns, providing a crucial supply of iron that can last up to 3 months. Iron is essential for the growth and emotional development of the baby, playing an important role in brain development, cognitive function, and the overall development of the nervous system.
- Enhanced stem cell transfer: Delayed cord clamping increases the quantity of stem cells, which are vital for your baby’s growth and overall development. These stem cells help repair and regenerate tissues throughout the body.
- Reduced risk of brain bleeds: Premature infants face a higher risk of brain bleeds, which can lead to long-term developmental issues. Increasing blood volume helps stabilize blood pressure and improve cardiovascular function, reducing the risk of intraventricular haemorrhage by about 50%.
- Improved overall health prospects: Delayed cord clamping can significantly improve the overall health outcomes of newborns, particularly premature babies. It increases blood volume and enhances the baby’s circulatory stability by allowing additional time for blood flow from the placenta to the baby.
When you should avoid Delayed Cord Clamping in Dubai
In almost all situations, delayed cord clamping is beneficial for the baby and is generally recommended.
However, there are some rare circumstances where it may not be suitable, such as:
- If the woman giving birth is experiencing bleeding heavily and needs immediate medical treatment
- If there is a placenta issue, like placental abruption, a low-lying placenta or placenta praevia
- If the umbilical cord is bleeding, preventing blood from reaching the baby
- If the baby needs help to breathe & resuscitate
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Consult Dr Aparna Gumma in Dubai
By allowing more time for blood to flow from the placenta to the baby, this practice can significantly improve the health and developmental outcomes for both full-term and premature infants.
If you are considering delayed cord clamping in Dubai, consult Dr Aparna Gumma – gynaecologist in Dubai. With an impressive 28 years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dr Aparna is renowned as one of the leading celebrity obgyn in Dubai. She has attended to and delivered for many celebrity clients, including Annabelle and Dubai Bling stars Kris Fade and Brianna Fade, who praise her exceptional performance and dedication.
Trust Dr Aparna Gumma to provide the expert care you need for a safe and successful pregnancy and childbirth.