What to Do About Fibroids : Causes Symptoms and Treatment Options


Fibroids and fertility - Navigating Symptoms and Finding Relief!

Fibroids during pregnancy are common and develop due to hormonal changes. Managing fibroids during pregnancy involves careful monitoring and symptom management, with treatment options tailored to ensure the safety of both the mother and baby.  Consulting Dr Aparna Gumma, a reputed obstetrician cs and gynaecologist in Dubai, provides personalized fibroids treatment options depending on your age and fertility requirements.  

Understanding Uterine Fibroids - Causes & Symptoms

Fibroids are benign growths that develop in or around the uterus, often causing symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and bloating. While some fibroids remain small and symptom-free, others may require medical attention. Fibroids treatment ranges from lifestyle changes, diet plans, medications, and less invasive procedures based on the patient’s severity of symptoms and health factors.

What causes uterine fibroids to grow?

The causes of fibroids are unclear. However, there are a few factors that influence fibroid formation. 



Ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen, which cause the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and stimulate the growth of fibroids.

If you have a family history of fibroids, there are possibilities to develop uterine fibroids.

Apart from the above, the risk factors include, 

  • Above 35 years or older
  • Obesity or Heavy body weight high bmi 


What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids?

Fibroids symptoms depend on the size, number, and location. The common fibroids symptoms include, 

  • Menstrual clots
  • Heavy bleeding between periods
  • Increased menstrual cramping
  • Longer menstrual periods
  • Pain in the lower back and pelvis
  • The feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen
  • Swelling of the abdomen
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Increased urination

Fibroids and Fertility - Can I have a baby with fibroids?

Will fibroids cause infertility?

Many patients with fibroids can get pregnant. Only fibroids that interfere with the uterine blood flow decrease the chance of conception.  

Large fibroids block the fallopian tubes, making it difficult for the sperm to fertilize or implant properly. Moreover, fibroids impact blood flow, compromising the development of a healthy embryo. 

In some instances, fibroids during pregnancy result in complications such as preterm birth, miscarriage, and difficulties during labour. Or pain due to degenerative fibroids. Pregnancy complications occur due to fibroids’ size, number, and location. 

While fibroids and fertility pose challenges, fibroids don’t prevent pregnancy altogether. With proper monitoring and fibroid symptoms management, Dr Aparna Gumma finds treatment options to achieve healthy pregnancies. 

Does removing fibroids improve fertility?

For a few patients, removing fibroids with uterus-sparing treatments may improve fertility. The main objective of fibroid removal is to reduce symptoms such as anemia with heavy bleeding, bloating aand abdominal swelling. nd bleeding. 

Can you get pregnant with uterine fibroids?

Yes, though fibroids affect fertility and pregnancy in various ways. Many women get pregnant naturally or through IVF treatments. Managing fibroids during pregnancy requires close monitoring with your gynaecologist to ensure the health and safety of both mother and baby. With appropriate fibroids management, women can navigate the fibroids symptoms and ensure a successful pregnancy. 

Do fibroids need to be removed during pregnancy?

Doctors don’t remove fibroids during pregnancy; they help you manage the symptoms. You can remove the fibroids either before you become pregnant or after the delivery. Dr Aparna Gumma recommends the best and safest treatment options to achieve successful pregnancies. 

Fibroids Treatment - How to navigate symptoms?

Fibroids’ treatment depends on their size, number, and location. Dr. Aparna Gumma personalizes the treatment plan based on your age and fertility requirements.

What are the home remedies for fibroids treatment?

A few natural remedies have a positive impact on fibroids, 



Applying heat for cramps


Following a few dietary changes include, 

Avoid high-calorie foods

Include green vegetables

Use flavonoids-rich food and drinks

Include Green tea

Cold water fish such as salmon and tuna

What are the medications for fibroids treatment?

Medications regulate the hormone level and shrink the fibroids. Some of the medicines include, 

  • GnRH agonists – Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists drop the hormone levels and shrink your fibroids. 
  • OTC medicines
  • Birth control pills
  • The intrauterine device releases the hormone progestin.
What are the non-invasive procedures for fibroids treatment?
  • Forced ultrasound surgery – using high-frequency sound waves to destroy fibroids
  • Myolysis procedure – using heat sources to shrink fibroids
  • Uterine fibroid embolization – using tiny particles to cut off blood supply to the fibroids
What are the surgical options for fibroids treatment?

Myomectomy is a procedure to remove large or multiple fibroid growths. During abdominal myomectomy, the surgeon makes a large incision to the uterus and removes fibroids. Alternatively, laparoscopic myomectomy requires a small incision to insert surgical tools and remove fibroids. 

Uterine Fibroids & Women's Health - Guide to Enhanced Fertility with Dr Aparna Gumma

Are you struggling with fibroids? Whether you’re seeking an expert diagnosis, advanced treatment, or personalized care, Dr Aparna Gumma is a top obstetrics and gynaecologist in Dubai who provides comprehensive management plans to address uterine fibroids. 


Dr Aparna regains your fertility with safe and effective treatments. She guides you every step of the way with advanced fibroids treatment and a successful pregnancy!


Your first step towards parenthood with Dr Aparna Gumma- Book an Appointment Now!

About Dr Aparna

Dr Aparna Devi Gumma, female gynaecologist in Dubai, is one of the most trusted partners in women’s health with over 28 years of expertise as an Ob-Gyn and Advanced Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgeon.

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